Part of Profile’s ProPlus® Prescriptive Solutions, Tacking Agent 3® has long set the standard as the most effective and most recommended binding agent. It is proven to reduce soil erosion and water runoff immediately after hydroseeding — no cure time is required! Most others require up to 24 hours to dry before they can resist rain and runoff. It is specially designed to assist you in meeting diverse site conditions, applications and regulatory requirements.
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Tacking Agent 3 contains flocculant, polyacrylamide and hydro-colloid polymers for enhanced fiber-to-soil bond as well as a marker dye to enhance visual metering when the product is being applied. It easily binds straw/hay, hydraulic mulches and can control dust on soils. Tacking Agent 3 also improves water-holding capacity of mulches and includes a slickifier that increases the shooting distance of the hydraulic mulch slurry.