When high performance, flexibility and versa-tility are necessary, Mirafi®HP geotextilesmake the difference for varying applicationneeds including: base course reinforcementand subgrade restraint for road and railwayconstruction; embankment stabilization on softfoundations; reinforcement for mechanicallystabilized earth (MSE) structures; liner support,voids bridging, reinforcement over soft haz-ardous pond closures and other environmentalmarket applications.
The Difference Mirafi®HP-Series High-Performance Geotextiles Make:
Reinforcement Strength. Higher tensilemodulus properties per ASTM D4595 thanany comparable stabilization product. read more »
Separation and Filtration. Unique geotextileweave provides excellent separation factorswith controlled filtration and drainage.Uniform openings provide same filtrationand flow characteristics as that of a fine tocoarse sand layer.
Durability. Superior damage resistance formoderate to severe stress installations.
Soil Interaction. Superior soil confinementresulting in greater load distribution.
Roll Sizes. Mirafi®HP geotextiles come inmultiple roll sizes to fit your project require-ments.
Seams. Panels can be sewn together in thefactory or field, providing cross-roll directionstrength to facilitate installation